Order your repeat prescriptions online

Every GP practice in England can now help you order your repeat prescriptions online and get them delivered at no extra cost to you or the NHS. You don’t have to write out a slip of paper and you don’t even have to go into the surgery. It’s accurate every time too –  your order automatically goes right into the GP system, so no mistakes from handwritten notes.

With Evergreen Life, you can order repeat prescriptions online easily and safely. Just follow the steps below.

How to order your repeat prescriptions online

  1. Connect to your GP

    To order repeat prescriptions, you first need to download the Evergreen Life app and make sure your account is linked to your GP system. If you haven’t yet linked your account, you can GP link remotely using the blue NHS login button found within the GP section in the app.

    Alternatively, you can link using a registration letter that your GP practice provides. Simply enter the codes from your letter within the GP section of the app.
  2. Find your list of prescriptions

    Within the GP section of the app, you’ll see a list of your prescriptions and the last medications you ordered. You’ll see information buttons next to the medications that give you more information about your medication. These are essential if you want to understand more about what your medications are for, any side effects you need to be aware of, and how to take your prescription.
  3. Order your repeat prescriptions for delivery

    Within the medication list, you can see which medications you’re able to order online and whether that request was accepted or rejected by the practice. Tick the medications you want to order. If you want to, you can add a comment, something like: “I need more as I’m going on holiday” or “I want to pick this up from X pharmacist.” Then, tap on ‘Use an online pharmacy’ if you’d like it delivered to home or any other UK address rather than your usual pharmacy.

Did you know lightbulb icon in a circle with a green border

If you don’t have a smartphone, you can always create an account and link via NHS login on the website portal.

You’re done!

It’s as easy as that. Once you’ve submitted your online prescription request, your GP practice will check that everything is correct. The practice may reject your request – for instance, if you seem to be ordering too often. The system will tell you that, too, after the practice has considered your request.

Simple, easy, efficient and secure

Start taking control of your own healthcare with the Evergreen Life app.

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Evergreen Life

Founded in 2014, Evergreen Life has grown from being a personal health record that put control in the hands of the user, to a nationwide health and wellbeing platform that spans primary and secondary care, as well as being a research ready platform for healthcare and life sciences institutions.